目的 为建立重庆产黄连质量标准提供科学依据。方法 采用显微法、薄层色谱法、 高效液相色谱法、气相色谱法等。结果 通过对所采集......
Optimization ratio between Coptis chinensis and cinnamo of Jiaotai pill plus benzodiazepines for ins
OBJECTIVE To explore the efficacy of Jiaotai pill(JTW)and JTW modified prescriptions(JTW+)plus benzodiazepines(BDZ)for i......
[Objective] The paper was to establish the identification method of Coptis chinensis and Forsythia suspensa in Qingwen b......
Berberine(BBR) is a natural alkaloid isolated from the Coptis Chinensis.While this plant has been used in Ay-urvedic and......
Quantitative Analysis of Berberine in Processed Coptis by Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectros
The near-infrared(NIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was used to study the content of Berberine in the processed Copt......
黄连(味连)Coptis chinesis Franch 为毛食科多年生常绿草本,系目前主要栽培种。主产四川、湖北。以四川栽培历史最久,种植面积最......
A quality evaluation strategy for Rhizoma coptidis from a variety of different sources using chromat
Most of herbal medicines of different sources are used for the same treatment goal in clinic despite their tremendous di......
The anti-amebic action of the following groups of drugs has been studied both in vitro innutrient agar serum saline med......
黄连是毛茛科植物黄连(Coptis chinensis Franch)的乾燥根茎,收载於中国药典为中药中应用较广的一种。近年来我国学者们纷纷报告......
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.......
在药用植物引种栽培中,某些植物的种子萌发困难,往往是种子繁殖上存在的重大问题。黄连(Coptis chinesis Franch)是我国重要的药......
小蘗硷目前在医疗上有着广泛的用途,我国以往大多从黃連(包括黄連Coptis chinensis Franch)峨嵋野連C. omeiensis C.Y.Cheng,Mss.......
著者之一(王宪楷)曾于寻找含小蘗硷的植物資源的研究中,試驗得知成都附近产刺黄柏(细叶十大功劳)(Mahonia fortunei Mouill.)莖部......
我国产的黄连为毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)植物黄连Coptis chinensis Franch或其他同属植物(像C.teeta Wall,C.anemonaefolia S.& Z.)......
四川峨眉山产野(黄)连Coptis chinensis Franch.var.omeiensis Chen.根茎中获得小蘗碱,worenin,jatrorrhizin,palmatin及二种非酚......
川连分为味连、雅连和野连三类。其中野连〔峨眉野连 Coptis Omeiesis(Chen) C.Y.Cheng〕由于生长在海拔二千米左右阴湿陡峭的岩......
黄连系多年生草本,为毛茛科植物黄连Coptis Chinensis Franch。或同属植物的干燥根茎。我国产于四川、西康、云南及陕西等省,以四......
市售黄连主要品种为味连(原植物为毛茛科植物黄连Coptis chinensis Frach;雅连C原植物为三角叶黄连Coptis deltoidea C.Y.Cheng e......
黄连与胡黄连1.黄连为毛茛科植物黄连 CoptisChinensis Franch.三角叶黄连 Coptis delt-oidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao 或云连 Cop-ti......
黄连Coptis chinensis Tranch为常用名贵中药。其化学、药理、临床等研究较多,栽培方面也有不少报道。为探讨不同生长龄期黄连产......
EffectsofCoptischinensieonLipidPeroxidationandAntioxidasesActivityofRatsSongLu-cheng(Song Lucheng); (Shandong......
1 材料 实验动物:昆明种雄性小白鼠,由山东中医药大学动物中心提供。动物在本实验室饲养3d,固体饲料和水自由摄取。药物来源:中药......
目的:优化黄连(味连,Coptis chinensis Franch.)ISSR反应体系。方法:利用正交试验设计,从Mg2+、dNTP、引物、BSA4种因素3个水平进......
Protective Effects and Mechanism of Total Coptis Alkaloids on Aβ_(25-35) Induced Learning and Memory
Objective: To observe the effect of total coptis alkaloids (TCA) on β-amyloid peptide (Aβ25-35) induced learning and m......
研究了黄连 Coptis Chinensis Franch 及其主要生物碱小檗碱对大鼠反复注射尼古丁后,活动能力和脑伏核与纹状体中即时早期基因 c-......
Qualitative and Semi-quantitative Analysis of Quaternary Alkaloids in Coptis-scute Herb Couple by El
A practical solution of qualitatively analyzing quaternary alkaloids in coptis-scute herb couple by electrospray ionizat......
Microcalorimetric investigation of effect of berberine alkaloids from Coptis chinensis Franch on int
The inhibitory effect of three berberine alkaloids (BAs) from Coptis chinensis Franch, a traditional Chinese medicinal (......
一般需要5~6年才能栽培出生产黄连素的原料黄连(Coptis japonica)根,而黄连的某些悬浮培养细胞株在3周内就可生产大量的黄连素(干......
[Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of 30 kinds of Chinese herbs on bacteria in food. [Method] 30 kinds ......
Coptis Chinensis is a traditional Chinese medicine herb that has the effect of clearing heat and drying dampness,purging......
Diabetes mellitus(DM) is a metabolic disorder caused by insufficient or inefficient insulin secretary response and it is......
目的:研究毛茛科植物黄连Coptis chinensis Franch.的化学成分。方法:利用柱色谱、凝胶柱色谱、高效液相色谱等分离技术对黄连的95......
Jiaotai Pill(交泰丸) Enhances Insulin Signaling through Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway in Skelet
objective:To investigate the effect of Jiaotai Pill(交泰丸,JTP) at different constitutional proportions on insulin signa......
This issue(CHM 2014,6(3):198-210)published research paper on bioanalysis and pharmacokinetics of Huanglian Jiedu Decocti......
Investigation of the effect of berberines alkaloids in Coptis chinensis Franch on Bacillus shigae gr
The inhibitory effects of five berberines alkaloids (BAs) from rhizoma of Coptis chinensis Franch, a traditional Chinese......